
šŸ§¬ Algorithms for DNA Sequencing by Johns Hopkins University

Project maintained by claytonjwong Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Algorithms for DNA Sequencing

Week 1: DNA Sequencing, strings and matching


  1. Introduction
  2. Why Study This?
  3. DNA sequencing past and present
  4. Genomes as strings, reads as substrings
  5. String definitions and Python examples
  6. How DNA gets copied
  7. How second-generation sequencers work
  8. Sequencing errors and base qualities
  9. Working with sequencing reads (FASTQ format)
  10. Sequencers give pieces to genomic puzzles
    • Unrelated humans have genomes of ~3 billion base pairs which are 99.8 - 99.9% similar
  11. Read alignment and why itā€™s hard
  12. Naive exact matching


Utility Functions

def QtoPhred33(Q):
    """Turn Q into Phred+33 ASCII-Ā­ā€encoded quality"""
    return chr(Q + 33) # converts character to integer according to ASCII table

def phred33ToQ(qual):
    """Turn Phred+33 ASCII-encoded quality into Q"""
    return ord(qual) - 33 # converts integer to character according to ASCII table

Assignment 1

In lecture and in a practical, we saw an implementation of the naive exact matching algorithm:

def naive(p, t):
    occurrences = []
    for i in range(len(t) - len(p) + 1):  # loop over alignments
        match = True
        for j in range(len(p)):  # loop over characters
            if t[i+j] != p[j]:  # compare characters
                match = False
        if match:
            occurrences.append(i)  # all chars matched; record
    return occurrences

ā€¦and we saw a function that takes a DNA string and returns its reverse complement:

def reverseComplement(s):
    complement = {'A': 'T', 'C': 'G', 'G': 'C', 'T': 'A', 'N': 'N'}
    t = ''
    for base in s:
        t = complement[base] + t
    return t

First, implement a version of the naive exact matching algorithm that is strand-aware. That is, instead of looking only for occurrences of P in T, additionally look for occurrences of the reverse complement of P in T. If P is ACT, your function should find occurrences of both ACTand its reverse complement AGT in T.

If P and its reverse complement are identical (e.g. AACGTT), then a given match offset should be reported only once. So if your new function is called naive_with_rc, then the old naive function and your new naive_with_rc function should return the same results when P equals its reverse complement.

Next, download and parse the lambda virus genome.

Solution 1