
Data Structures and Algorithms by UCSanDiego

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3. Pattern Matching


  • Goal
    • Suffix Tree is too slow for large text
    • Can we find patterns using the Burrows-Wheeler Transform Matrix BWT(Text) in linear time?
Algorithm Memory Time
Suffix Tree O( 20 * Text ) O( Text + Patterns )
BWT(Text) O( 2 * Text ) O( Patterns )
  • Summary
    • We can go back from the Burrows-Wheeler Transform of the genome to the original genome:

Suffix Tree is Too Slow

BWT for Pattern Matching

Searching for pattern “ana” in text “panamabananas”

Pattern matching is performed in reverse i.e. from right-to-left.

  • example: search for ana fromL <- R inclusive:
    ^ ^
    L R
    Using the Burrows-Wheeler Transform’s First-Last Property:

BWT Pattern Matching Algorithm

We will use two pointers, top and bottom, that specify the range of positions in the Burrow-Wheelers matrix that we are interested in. In the beginning, top will go to 0 and bottom equal to 13, to cover all positions in the text.

Better BWT Pattern Matching Algorithm

Using Counting Sort

We can derive the First column from the Last column in O(|Last|+|ACGT|) time, while standard sorting alogithms would take O(|Last|*log|Last|) time.




    #include <iostream>
    #include <sstream>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    #include <unordered_map>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <iterator>
    using namespace std;
    #ifdef TRIVIAL_IMPLEMENTATION // Failed case #27/36: time limit exceeded (Time used: 7.99/4.00, memory used: 156905472/536870912.)
    using Patterns = vector< string >;
    using LastToFirst = vector< int >;
    using Counter = unordered_map< char,int >;
    using Matches = vector< int >;
    int main() {
        string last; cin >> last;
        auto first{ last }; sort( first.begin(), first.end() );
        Patterns P; {
            auto M{ 0 }; cin >> M;
            copy_n( istream_iterator< string >( cin ), M, back_inserter( P ) );
        LastToFirst lastToFirst; {
            Counter cnt; for( auto c: last ){ ++cnt[ c ]; }
            auto A{ 1 }, // A == 1 because the first symbol of first column is $ ( since first column is sorted )
                 C{ A + cnt[ 'A' ] },
                 G{ C + cnt[ 'C' ] },
                 T{ G + cnt[ 'G' ] };
            for( auto c: last ){
                switch( c ){
                    case '$': lastToFirst.push_back( 0 ); break; // '$' is alphabetically first in first column ( 0-based index )
                    case 'A': lastToFirst.push_back( A++ ); break;
                    case 'C': lastToFirst.push_back( C++ ); break;
                    case 'G': lastToFirst.push_back( G++ ); break;
                    case 'T': lastToFirst.push_back( T++ ); break;
        Matches matches; {
            const auto N = static_cast< int >( last.size() );
            for( auto pattern: P ){
                for( auto i{ 0 }, j{ N }; i < j; ){
                    if( pattern.empty() ){
                        matches.push_back( j - i ); // the # of occurrences of pattern in text
                    auto target = pattern.back(); pattern.pop_back();
                    auto beg = last.begin() + i,
                         end = last.begin() + j,
                         itr = find( beg, end, target );
                    if( itr == end ){
                        matches.push_back( 0 ); // pattern NOT found in text
                    auto targetIndex = distance( last.begin(), itr );
                    auto cnt = count_if( itr, end, [=]( auto c ){ return c == target; });
                    i = lastToFirst[ targetIndex ];
                    j = i + cnt;
        copy( matches.begin(), matches.end(), ostream_iterator< int >( cout, " " ) );
        return 0;
    using Patterns = vector< string >;
    using Counter = unordered_map< char,int >;
    using CountArray = vector< Counter >;
    using FirstOccurrence = unordered_map< char,int >;
    using LastToFirst = vector< int >;
    using Matches = vector< int >;
    constexpr int NOT_FOUND = int( 1e6+1 );
    int main() {
        string last; cin >> last;
        auto first{ last }; sort( first.begin(), first.end() );
        const auto N = static_cast< int >( last.size() );
        Patterns P; {
            auto M{ 0 }; cin >> M;
            copy_n( istream_iterator< string >( cin ), M, back_inserter( P ) );
        CountArray countArray{ { { 'A',0 },{ 'C',0 },{ 'G',0 },{ 'T',0 } } }; {
            for( auto i{ 1 }; i <= N; ++i ){
                auto c = last[ i-1 ];
                auto next = countArray.back();
                if( c != '$' )
                    ++next[ c ];
                countArray.emplace_back( next );
        FirstOccurrence firstOccurrence; {
            for( auto c: string{ "ACGT" } ){
                auto pos = first.find( c );
                firstOccurrence[ c ] = ( pos != string::npos )? pos : NOT_FOUND;
        Matches matches; {
            for( auto pattern: P ){
                bool found{ false };
                for( auto i{ 0 }, j{ N }; i < j; ){
                    if( pattern.empty() ){
                        matches.push_back( j - i ); // the # of occurrences of pattern in text
                        found = true;
                    auto target = pattern.back(); pattern.pop_back();
                    if( firstOccurrence[ target ] == NOT_FOUND )
                    i = firstOccurrence[ target ] + countArray[ i ][ target ];
                    j = firstOccurrence[ target ] + countArray[ j ][ target ];
                if( ! found )
                    matches.push_back( 0 );
        copy( matches.begin(), matches.end(), ostream_iterator< int >( cout, " " ) );
        return 0;