2. Inverse Burrows-Wheeler Transform
- Goal
- Reconstruct original genome from the Burrows-Wheeler Transform of the genome
Algorithm | Memory | Time |
Trivial Implementation | O( N^2 ) | O( N^3 log N ) |
First-Last Property Optimization | O( 2N ) | O( N ) |
- Summary
- We can go back from the Burrows-Wheeler Transform of the genome to the original genome:
Trivial Implementation
First-Last Property Optimization
Pseudocode (trivial implementation)
Pseudocode (first-last property optimization)
The path traversed in step 3 below is the original genome ( in reverse order ):
- step 1: create an id counter to track unique char instances
- i.e.
A(1,2,...,N-1,N), B(1,2,...,N-1,N), C..., D..., ...
- i.e.
step 2: use the id counter to create a first-last path which associates first-last char instances
- step 3: follow the first-last path, starting from
and ending at$(1)
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace std;
#ifdef TRIVIAL_IMPLEMENTATION // Failed case #27/44: time limit exceeded (Time used: 4.05/2.00)
using Deque = deque< char >;
using Strings = vector< Deque >;
int main() {
string str; cin >> str;
const auto N = str.size();
Strings S( N );
for( auto i{ 0 }; i < N; ++i ){
for( auto j{ 0 }; j < N; ++j )
S[ j ].push_front( str[ j ] );
sort( S.begin(), S.end() );
for( auto i{ 0 }; i < N; ++i, cout << endl )
for( auto j{ 0 }; j < S[ i ].size(); ++j )
cout << S[ i ][ j ];
cout << endl;
auto it = find_if( S.begin(), S.end(), []( const auto& str ){ return str.back() == '$'; });
string inverse{ it->begin(), it->end() };
cout << inverse << endl;
return 0;
#else // First-Last Property Optimization
using Counter = unordered_map< char, int >;
using Path = unordered_map< string, string >;
int main() {
Path path; {
string transformed; cin >> transformed;
auto sorted{ transformed }; sort( sorted.begin(), sorted.end() );
const auto N = transformed.size();
Counter begCnt, endCnt;
for( auto i{ 0 }; i < N; ++i ){
ostringstream first, last;
auto beg = sorted[ i ],
end = transformed[ i ];
first << beg << ++begCnt[ beg ];
last << end << ++endCnt[ end ];
path[ first.str() ] = last.str();
string inverse{ '$' }; {
const auto sentinel{ "$1" };
for( auto cur = path[ sentinel ]; cur != sentinel; cur = path[ cur ] )
inverse.push_back( cur.front() );
reverse( inverse.begin(), inverse.end() );
cout << inverse << endl;
return 0;