1. Maximum Amount of Gold
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <numeric>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
using Collection = vector< int >;
namespace TopDown {
class Solution {
using PII = pair< int,int >;
struct Hash {
size_t operator()( const PII& p ) const {
return 1e4+1 * p.first + p.second;
using Memo = unordered_map< PII,int, Hash >;
int maxKnapsack( const Collection& A, int T, Memo memo={} ){
auto N = static_cast< int >( A.size() );
return go( A, T, N-1, memo );
int go( const Collection& A, int T, int i, Memo& memo, int with=0 ){
auto key = make_pair( T,i );
if( memo.find( key ) != memo.end() )
return memo[ key ];
if( i < 0 )
return memo[ key ] = 0;
if( 0 <= T - A[ i ] )
with = A[ i ] + go( A, T - A[ i ], i-1, memo );
auto without = go( A, T, i-1, memo );
return memo[ key ] = max( with, without );
namespace BottomUp {
class Solution {
using VI = vector< int >;
using VVI = vector< VI >;
int maxKnapsack( const Collection& A, int T ){
auto N = static_cast< int >( A.size() );
VVI dp( N+1, VI( T+1, 0 ));
for( auto i{ 1 }; i <= N; ++i )
for( auto j{ 1 }; j <= T; ++j )
if( 0 <= j - A[ i-1 ] )
dp[ i ][ j ] = max( A[ i-1 ] + dp[ i-1 ][ j - A[ i-1 ]], dp[ i-1 ][ j ]); // max( with, without )
dp[ i ][ j ] = dp[ i-1 ][ j ]; // without
return dp[ N ][ T ];
int main() {
auto T{ 0 }; cin >> T; // (T)otal capacity
auto N{ 0 }; cin >> N; // N unique items ( take it or leave it )
Collection A;
copy_n( istream_iterator< int >( cin ), N, back_inserter( A ));
auto ans1 = TopDown::Solution().maxKnapsack( A, T );
auto ans2 = BottomUp::Solution().maxKnapsack( A, T );
assert( ans1 == ans2 );
cout << ans2 << endl;
return 0;
from typing import List, Dict
Memo = Dict[ int,int ]
class RECSolution:
def hash( self, T: int, i: int ) -> int:
return T + 10001 * i
def maxKnapsack( self, A: List[int], T: int, memo: Memo={} ) -> int:
N = len( A )
return self.go( A, T, N-1, memo )
def go( self, A: List[int], T: int, i: int, memo: Memo ) -> int:
key = self.hash( T,i )
if key in memo:
return memo[ key ]
if i < 0:
memo[ i ] = 0
return memo[ i ]
w = A[ i ] + self.go( A, T - A[ i ], i-1, memo ) if 0 <= T - A[ i ] else 0
wo = self.go( A, T, i-1, memo )
memo[ key ] = max( w, wo ) # max( with, without )
return memo[ key ]
class DPSolution:
def maxKnapsack( self, A: List[int], T: int ):
N = len( A )
dp = [[ 0 for _ in range( T+1 )] for _ in range( N+1 )]
for i in range( 1, N+1 ):
for j in range( 1, T+1 ):
if 0 <= j - A[ i-1 ]:
dp[ i ][ j ] = max( A[ i-1 ] + dp[ i-1 ][ j - A[ i-1 ]], dp[ i-1 ][ j ] ) # max( with, without )
dp[ i ][ j ] = dp[ i-1 ][ j ] # without
return dp[ N ][ T ]
if __name__ == '__main__':
T, N = map( int, input().split() )
A = list( map( int, input().split() ))
ans1 = RECSolution().maxKnapsack( A, T )
ans2 = DPSolution().maxKnapsack( A, T )
assert( ans1 == ans2 )
print( ans1 )