🧬 Algorithms for DNA Sequencing by Johns Hopkins University
A -> G
C -> T
A -> C
G -> T
I wrote this code de novo (ie. from scratch). I feel this code is easier to read and understand than the lecture’s implementation. I also wrote a memo for the top-down solution to run efficiently without repeatedly solving overlapping sub-problems.
Let i, j be the index one-past the end of the prefix substring (ie. 0..i-1 inclusive and 0..j-1 inclusive)
Strings of length m and n can be denoted as 0..i and 0..j initially when i = m and j = n
A = abc
A[0..i) == A[0..i-1] == abc
B = wxyz
B[0..j) == B[0..j-1] == wxyz
Assume we know the optimal solution for the prefix of the strings A, B without considering the last character of each string. Then take the last character of each string into consideration. The last character from each string can be either a substitution (match/mismatch), insertion, or deletion.
The base case occurs when either A or B is an empty string. The distance from an empty string p to another non-empty string q is the length of q.
def editDistanceNaive(A, B):
def go(A, B, i, j):
if i == 0: return j
if j == 0: return i
return min(
go(A, B, i-1, j-1) + int(A[i-1] != B[j-1]),
go(A, B, i, j-1) + 1,
go(A, B, i-1, j) + 1,
return go(A, B, len(A), len(B))
def editDistanceMemo(A, B):
def go(A, B, i, j, memo={}):
key = str(i) + ',' + str(j)
if memo.get(key): return memo[key]
elif i == 0: memo[key] = j
elif j == 0: memo[key] = i
memo[key] = min(
go(A, B, i-1, j-1, memo) + int(A[i-1] != B[j-1]),
go(A, B, i, j-1, memo) + 1,
go(A, B, i-1, j, memo) + 1,
return memo[key]
return go(A, B, len(A), len(B))
def editDistanceDP(A, B):
m, n = len(A), len(B)
dp = [[0 for i in range(m+1)] for j in range(n+1)]
for i in range(m+1): dp[i][0] = i
for j in range(n+1): dp[0][j] = j
for i in range(1, m+1):
for j in range(1, n+1):
dp[i][j] = min(
dp[i-1][j-1] + int(A[i-1] != B[j-1]),
dp[i-1][j] + 1,
dp[i][j-1] + 1,
return dp[m][n]
We saw how to adapt dynamic programming to find approximate occurrences of a pattern in a text. Recall that:
First, download the provided excerpt of human chromosome 1
Second, parse it using the readGenome function we wrote before.
Third, adapt the editDistance function we saw in practical to answer questions 1 and 2 below. Your function should take arguments p (pattern), t (text) and should return the edit distance of the match between P and T with the fewest edits.
def editDistanceApproximate(P, T):
m, n = len(P), len(T)
dp = [[0 for j in range(n+1)] for i in range(m+1)]
for i in range(m+1): dp[i][0] = i # init first column by distance from empty string
# the first row is all 0s unlike edit distance, since there is no bias toward alignment
# of P in T from the beginning of both P and T, (ie. P can start at any index in T)
# for j in range(n+1): dp[0][j] = j # DELETED!!!
for i in range(1, m+1):
for j in range(1, n+1):
dp[i][j] = min(
dp[i-1][j-1] + int(P[i-1] != T[j-1]),
dp[i-1][j] + 1,
dp[i][j-1] + 1,
return min(dp[m]) # return the minimal value from the last row
Question 1: What is the edit distance of the best match between pattern GCTGATCGATCGTACG and the excerpt of human chromosome 1? (Don’t consider reverse complements.)
Question 2: What is the edit distance of the best match between pattern GATTTACCAGATTGAG and the excerpt of human chromosome 1? (Don’t consider reverse complements.)
T = read_FAST_A("chr1.GRCh38.excerpt.fasta")
print(editDistanceDP("GCTGATCGATCGTACG", T))
print(editDistanceDP("GATTTACCAGATTGAG", T))
Hint: In the “A new solution to approximate matching” video we saw that the best approximate match of P = GCGTATGC within T = TATTGGCTATACGGTT had 2 edits. You can use this and other small examples to double-check that your function is working.
In a practical, we saw a function for finding the longest exact overlap (suffix/prefix match) between two strings. The function is copied below.
def overlap(a, b, min_length=3):
""" Return length of longest suffix of 'a' matching
a prefix of 'b' that is at least 'min_length'
characters long. If no such overlap exists,
return 0. """
start = 0 # start all the way at the left
while True:
start = a.find(b[:min_length], start) # look for b's prefix in a
if start == -1: # no more occurrences to right
return 0
# found occurrence; check for full suffix/prefix match
if b.startswith(a[start:]):
return len(a)-start
start += 1 # move just past previous match
Say we are concerned only with overlaps that (a) are exact matches (no differences allowed), and (b) are at least K bases long. To make an overlap graph, we could call overlap(a,b,min_length=k) on every possible pair of reads from the dataset. Unfortunately, that will be very slow!
Consider this: Say we are using k=6, and we have a read A whose length-6 suffix is GTCCTA. Say GTCCTA does not occur in any other read in the dataset. In other words, the 6-mer GTCCTA occurs at the end of read A and nowhere else. It follows that A’s suffix cannot possibly overlap the prefix of any other read by 6 or more characters.
Put another way, if we want to find the overlaps involving a suffix of read A and a prefix of some other read, we can ignore any reads that don’t contain the length-k suffix of A. This is good news because it can save us a lot of work!
Here is a suggestion for how to implement this idea. You don’t have to do it this way, but this might help you. Let every k-mer in the dataset have an associated Python Set object, which starts out empty. We use a Python dictionary to associate each k-mer with its corresponding Set.
The most important point is that we do not call overlap(a,b,min_length=k) if B does not contain the length-k suffix of A.
Download and parse the read sequences from the provided Phi-X FASTQ file. We’ll just use their base sequences, so you can ignore read names and base qualities. Also, no two reads in the FASTQ have the same sequence of bases. This makes things simpler.
Next, find all pairs of reads with an exact suffix/prefix match of length at least 30. Don’t overlap a read with itself; if a read has a suffix/prefix match to itself, ignore that match. Ignore reverse complements.
def overlap_all_pairs(reads, k, map={}):
def get_kmers(read, k, kmers=set()):
for i in range(0, len(read)-k+1):
return kmers
for read in reads:
kmers = get_kmers(read, k)
for kmer in kmers:
if not kmer in map.keys():
map[kmer] = set()
pairs = []
for head in reads:
kmer = head[-k:]
candidates = map[kmer]
for tail in candidates:
if (not head == tail and overlap(head, tail, k)):
pairs.append((head, tail))
return pairs
Question 3: Picture the overlap graph corresponding to the overlaps just calculated. How many edges are in the graph? In other words, how many distinct pairs of reads overlap?
Question 4: Picture the overlap graph corresponding to the overlaps computed for the previous question. How many nodes in this graph have at least one outgoing edge? (In other words, how many reads have a suffix involved in an overlap?)
reads, _ = readFAST_Q('ERR266411_1.for_asm.fastq')
pairs = overlap_all_pairs(reads, 30)
print(len(pairs)) # Q3: edges in the graph
print(len(set(pair[0] for pair in pairs))) # Q4: set of head with at least one outgoing edge to a tail